The Role of Luck in Shaping Our Lives: Beyond Manifesting and the Universe

In the age of self-help gurus and manifestation techniques, there’s a prevailing narrative that we have the power to shape our destinies through positive thinking and intention-setting. While these practices can be empowering, they often overshadow the significant role that luck plays in our lives. From the circumstances of our birth to the opportunities we encounter, luck influences the trajectory of our lives in profound ways, often more so than any manifestation or universe-altering technique.

Consider the example of someone who diligently follows manifestation programs and self-help materials in pursuit of their ideal life. They attend seminars, read books by renowned authors like Tony Robbins and Esther Hicks, and faithfully practice techniques like gratitude journaling and visualisation. Despite their efforts, they find themselves stuck in a cycle of dissatisfaction, continually chasing the next goal without ever feeling fulfilled.

Meanwhile, another individual may stumble upon their dream job or partner seemingly by chance. Perhaps they landed a job through a chance encounter at a networking event or met their soulmate through a mutual friend. These serendipitous moments can’t be attributed solely to manifestation techniques or positive thinking but are instead the result of luck and happenstance.

Furthermore, the echo chamber effect created by surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals can reinforce the belief that success is solely within one’s control. In this environment, the contributions of external factors such as luck are often downplayed or dismissed altogether. The pressure to constantly strive for perfection can lead to feelings of inadequacy and frustration when desired outcomes aren’t achieved.

Take, for example, the case of a stay-at-home spouse in a wealth manifestation mindset. In the pursuit of personal greatness and material success, their role may be viewed as a financial liability rather than a valued contributor to the family’s well-being. This narrow perspective overlooks the essential contributions of caregiving, emotional support, and household management that the stay-at-home spouse provides.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that luck doesn’t negate personal agency or effort but rather complements them. While manifestation practices and self-help materials can provide valuable tools for personal growth, they’re not a guarantee of success. Luck operates beyond our control, influencing the opportunities we encounter, the people we meet, and the circumstances we find ourselves in.

Moreover, embracing the role of luck can foster empathy, humility, and gratitude for the privileges and advantages we may have and the challenges others face. It’s essential to strike a balance between pursuing our goals and remaining open to unexpected opportunities that luck may bring our way.

While manifestation techniques and positive thinking can play a role in shaping our mindset and behavior, luck often plays a more significant role in determining the course of our lives. Recognising the influence of luck alongside personal effort and external factors can lead to a more nuanced understanding of success, fulfillment, and the complexities of human experience.

Lastly, it’s vital to highlight that an unwillingness to accept one’s life as it is, including the people we are with and our familial circumstances, and instead constantly chasing selfish dreams, can be antithetical to authenticity, integrity, and spirituality. True growth and fulfillment often involve embracing and improving upon our current realities rather than constantly seeking external validation or perfection.